20191025 – Graduate Student Appreciation Celebration

GradBMES supplied catered food in Everitt 1103 at 5PM to celebrate the end of the workweek with free food (Noodles and Company, with Vegan options as well). We also ordered a large Tiramisu cake, with themed caption, for the celebration. It was a fun and chilling event to temporarily “escape” the research!


potluck/BBQ on June 8th


GradBMES is throwing a potluck/BBQ next Saturday on June 8th, from 4PM – 8PM at Crystal Lake Park, and you’re all invited! Please consider bringing food for the potluck, and feel free to bring any guests!

To RSVP, please fill out the following form: https://forms.gle/oFZM4SDRdnytbUWK8

I’ll send another reminder next week, I hope to see y’all there!